MVC Introduction Application. No Database.

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Assignment Description

The goal of this homework assignment was to get started with MVC and create an application that has no need to connect to a database. Some of the basic end goals of this homework are to learn about: ViewBag / ViewData objects, demonstrate the request command, learn simple Razor commands, learn what MVC stands for (Models, Views, Controllers), continue our journey on learning C# syntax and key language features.

First steps

I went ahead and started a new MVC project with no template. Then I returned to Git, created a new branch, and proceeded to checkout to that branch to start work on this new project. Once the program was up and running, I created the controller class by right-clicking the controllers folder, and adding a new blank controller with the name of home. This controller comes with a call to the index controller with no automatic view. So first thing is first, lets add a view for index and fill it with the content below. @html.actionLink events are a simple way to setup multiple pages with links to each of the pages required for this assignment.


Next up, I added the GetPage() method to the controller, and empty view, as well as a view that had all the logic needed to complete the task. Both are shown below.

Adding the GetPage() View

Below you will see the code that was required to get this method working. Of course, you have to start by right-clicking the controller again and creating a new view. From then on its about creating a form that can take an input from the user, which can be sent back to the controller to process and then output the data to the tags below. Unfortunately, this method does take the information input, and put it in the URL above.


The PostPage method in the controller class has a static empty view, as well as the view needed for the logic to work again. This time, instead of using an empty parameters method, the assignment requires use of a FormCollection object as a parameter to gather information from the input fields we use. This method saves the information to the server instead of just putting it in the URL like the above method.

PostPage() View

This View is simlar to the last View we created. It is basically just the same type of HTML form created for a new purpose. That purpose is to show how the [HtmlPost] C# works vs the standard Get.


The final part of the homework is to create a loan calculator that can take in three inputs, loanTotal, interest, and total time. Below I show the code for accomplishing the backend of the controller.

LoanCalc() View

In this view I had to instantiate some initial values using javascript at the top of the page. Then right some logic with the Request method to constantly run, and if a new set of numbers were put in to use those towards the calculations instead of the initial numbers. Other than that it is another form with output below of the results. I've accounted for bad inputs with HTML limitations as seen in the code.


In conclusion, after using MVC over a few days it really started to come together in how it works. To me, MVC isn't a coding language, instead it is a framework to make large complex projects more organized and easier to accomplish. So in that respect, even though I was intimidated by it at first when looking into it, I have learned to appreciate what it can do for the average software developer and look forward to diving deeper into it in the next homework assignments.

Working Project Screenshots

Link to: Homework Four

Link to: Repository for hw4

© Sam Wetzel 2017